Understanding the Meaning of "Exactly"

If you are a native speaker of English, the word "exactly" likely rolls off your tongue without much thought. However, understanding the true meaning and appropriate usage of "exactly" can be tricky for non-native speakers and even some native speakers. In this article, we will take a closer look at the definition of "exactly", its synonyms and antonyms, and examples of how to use it correctly.

Definition of "Exactly"

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "exactly" as "in a precise manner: accurately." It is often used to indicate agreement or emphasis on something that has been said. For example, if someone asks you what time it is and you respond with "10:30 exactly", you are indicating that it is precisely 10:30 and not a minute before or after.

"Exactly" can also be used to show that something is true or correct without any room for interpretation or doubt. For instance, if someone asks if you were at the meeting yesterday, and you respond with "Exactly", you are affirming that you were indeed present at the meeting.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Other words that can be used in place of "exactly" include precisely, accurately, specifically, and literally. On the other hand, "inaccurately", "approximately", and "loosely" are antonyms of "exactly".

Examples of Correct Usage

  • "I need you to be here at 9:00 exactly."
  • "That is exactly what I was thinking."
  • "Can you give me the exact measurements of the room?"
  • "The exam questions were worded exactly as I had practiced."


In conclusion, "exactly" is a precise and accurate word that is meant to convey agreement or emphasis in a conversation. It is important to use it correctly in order to avoid misunderstandings and confusion. By understanding its definition and appropriate usage, you can communicate more effectively and be confident in your English-speaking abilities.


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